We use linking words to connect our ideas or thoughts when we speak or write . There are many different linking words in English and each one has its role, in this lesson you will learn how we use them.

Linking words and phrases in English (also called 'connective' or 'transition' words) are used to combine two clauses or sentences presenting contrast, comparison, condition, supposition, purpose, etc.

They enable us to establish clear connections between ideas.

Most linking words can either connect clauses within a sentence, or start a sentence to form a link with the previous statement.

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A clause is a group of words that includes a subject and a verb. The following sentence contains two clauses: She lives in Mexico because she likes the climate.

Below you will find some examples of linking words and how to use them. This is not a comprehensive list. You may want to add your own linking words and phrases.

Examples of linking words within one sentence:

Linking Words Examples of Use
As long as provided (that) providing You can take my car as long as/provided (that)/providing you don't damage it. (I will lend you my car on condition that you don't damage it.)
Although/even though Although/even though he is rich, he lives in a small house. (In spite of the fact that he is rich, he lives in a small house.)
Even if He is poor and has no house, but even if he had money, he wouldn't buy a house. (Supposing he had the money, he still wouldn't buy a house.)
In case Take an umbrella in case it rains. (It might rain, so it's a good idea to take an umbrella.)
In spite of/Despite In spite of/despite the rain, she walked to the station. In spite of/despite being blind, he walked to the station. (without being affected by the rain or by being blind.)
So that She arrived early so that she could help her colleagues. (She arrived early for the purpose of helping her colleagues.)
Wherever You can count on me whatever you decide to do. (No matter what your decision is, you can count on me.)
Wherever Tom is rich, whereas Jack is poor. (Tom is rich; in contrast Jack is poor.)
Wherever I will lend you my car whenever you need it. (No matter when you need my car, I will lend it to you.)
Wherever My thoughts will be with you wherever you go. (No matter where you go, my thoughts will be with you.)


Examples of linking words that connect two separate sentences or two clauses:

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